发布时间:2023-02-23 作者:蓝灵育儿网编辑 育儿网 www.dgmmbb.com
Do the hokey pokey hands in front and hands behind Jump in jump out jump in and wiggle wiggle wiggle You do the hokey pokey spin around clap clap clap clap You put hands in You put hands out
You put hands in and wiggle wiggle wiggle You do the hokey pokey spin around clap clap clap clap
You do the hokey pokey hands up hands down
Do the hokey pokey pokey pokey hands in front and hands behind You put your knees in You put knees out
You put knees in and wiggle wiggle wiggle You do the hokey pokey spin around clap clap clap clap Ok now sit down You put feet in You put feet out
You put feet in and wiggle wiggle wiggle You do the hokey pokey spin around clap clap clap clap
You do the hokey pokey hands up hands down
Do the hokey pokey pokey pokey hands in front and hands behind You do the hokey pokey pokey pokey hands up hands down Do the hokey pokey pokey pokey cause that's what its all about
每当在英语课堂上响起这首Hokey Pokey歌曲时,小朋友们都异常兴奋,很多家长和孩子第一次听这首儿童英语歌曲时,在欢快愉悦的音乐律动中,每一位家长和孩子都脸上都浮现出快乐的光芒。你可能会疑惑,Hokey Pokey是什么意思呢?其实,Hokey Pokey按照直译的方法,应该是戏法,变戏法的意思,从这首歌中可以学到身体部位的词,还能边做动作,边熟悉并正确运用这些身体部位哦。这正是在幼儿英语歌曲中学习单词的最佳途径。
音乐是世界上最美的语言,不管是成年人还是小孩,音乐在我们的生活中所起的作用更是不可替代的,也可以说音乐也是我们生活中的一种精神食粮。我们对音乐的这种依赖是和我们小时所听儿歌分不开的,那么就跟随瑞思这首Hokey Pokey歌,来为孩子进行幼儿英语启蒙吧。